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contemporary ceramic art

Emre Can
30 Oca 20226 dakikada okunur
The Art of Choosing Art: 20 Art Pieces for Every Room of the House, Straight from the Experts
Art And Design Article from Redfin. You can find it originally at There are many...
73 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
29 Kas 20201 dakikada okunur
xıv. ınternatıonal manıses ceramıc bıennıal ceramıc competıtıon award ceremony and exhıbıtıon .
XIV. International Manises Ceramic Biennial "Ciudad de Venissieux" Award in Valencia/ Spain.
216 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
6 Kas 20190 dakikada okunur
218 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
19 Ara 20181 dakikada okunur
gyeonggı ınternatıonal ceramıc bıenale 2019 korea.
From 1599 artist 302 artist selected Gyeonggi International Ceramic Bienale 2019 Korea. I m so happy that ı m one of 302 artists...
82 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
18 Ara 20181 dakikada okunur
"be chıld" 74th state paıntıng and sculpture competıtıon achievement award COMPETITION
My artwork "Be Child" from the Middle East Series, was selected as a achievement award in the 74th State Painting and Sculpture...
136 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
1 Ara 20181 dakikada okunur
ceramıcs monthly 2018 december ıssue, "Emre can artıstıc touches on 3d prınted ceramıc artworks"
I m in the Ceramics Monthly 2018 December Issue. This article written by Ezgi Hakan Verdu Martinez. You can find this article in this...
205 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
15 Eki 20181 dakikada okunur
emre can, ınterview : 3D ımperıal technologie and desıgn magazıne 2018 october ıssue chına
265 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
9 Tem 20181 dakikada okunur
'The Breakfast in the Middle East' My work will be exhibited in Latvia International Ceramic Biennale for Martinsons Award in Daugavpils...
291 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
7 Haz 20181 dakikada okunur
IV. Internatıonal ceramics triennial unıcum 2018
Seljuk Iceblue from my works will be exhibited in IV. International Ceamics Triennial UNICUM 2018 This exhibiion organized by the...
93 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
16 Nis 20181 dakikada okunur
I have been selected as one of Ceramics Monthly emerging artists for 2018. I m so happy to represent of Turkey on such a platform....
132 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
25 Oca 20181 dakikada okunur
3ders ınterview wıth ceramıc artıst emre can
115 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
20 Oca 20181 dakikada okunur
3dclayprıntı ınterview with emre can "how can we use ceramıc prıntıng as a shapıng method"
73 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
3 Oca 20181 dakikada okunur
unfold studıo workshop my fırst ceramıc 3d prıntıng experıence
August 2015 My first experience about 3D Printing Ceramic was Unfold. Unfold is the most important centre about 3D Printing Ceramic. ...
293 görüntüleme0 yorum

Emre Can
28 Kas 20171 dakikada okunur
ISCAEE 2015 CHINA exhibition and presentatıon
ISCAEE is the International Ceramic Symposium and Art Education Exchange Program, more commonly referred to as ‘ISCAEE’, was founded...
105 görüntüleme0 yorum
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